"The mystical experience of the Illuminating Void is always realized outside of the intellectual field…
Drink the wine of meditation in the delicious cup of Perfect Concentration."
Samael Aun Weor
Drink the wine of meditation in the delicious cup of Perfect Concentration."
Samael Aun Weor
Meditation Chamber
"Meditation is
the esoteric discipline of the Gnostics. Meditation has three phases: Concentration, Meditation, and Samadhi. Concentration means to fix the mind on only one thing. Meditation means to reflect
upon the substantial content of that same thing. Samadhi is ecstasy, or
rapture. A Master of
Samadhi penetrates into all the planes of consciousness, and with the Eye of Dagma he investigates all the
secrets of the wisdom of fire. It is urgent
that our Gnostic disciples learn how to function without material vehicles of
any kind, so that they can perceive all the marvels of the Universe with the Eye of Dagma. This is how
our disciples will become Masters of Samadhi."
....Samael Aun Weor, Igneous Rose
The Mediation Course, detailed below, follows the introductory course, and acts as the introduction to the inner chambers of Gnosis
....Samael Aun Weor, Igneous Rose
The Mediation Course, detailed below, follows the introductory course, and acts as the introduction to the inner chambers of Gnosis
12. Om Mani Padme Hum
13. The Heart Sutra and the void 14. Practices and invoctions for Healing 15. Practice with the Elementals: Fire, Air, Earth, Water 16. Prayer in Meditation 17. Developing the Imagination 18. The Esoteric Discipline of the Mind 19. Discipline of Dream yoga and Astral Travel 20. Comprehension, Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition 21. Concrete didactic for Dissolution of the Ego 22. The Ten Rules of Meditation